Abstract Submission Portal
Chemical Catalyst 2024| July 22nd & 23rd, 2024
Online Submission Guidelines
All submissions will be reviewed based on technical merit, readability, relevance and originality. If you have any question or queries about the submission process, check the FAQ below or contact us.

Chemical Catalyst 2024 Focused Sessions
Sessions and Tracks
Chemical Catalyst 2024 | Berlin, Germany
Tracks 1 to 14
- Catalytic Materials
- Catalytic Mechanisms
- Catalysis and Energy
- Catalysis for Chemical Synthesis
- Nanocatalysis
- Organocatalysis
- Plasma Catalysis
- Environmental Catalysis
- Chemical Kinetics
- Reaction Engineering
- Polymer Engineering
- Separation Processes
- Simulation & Modeling
- Thermodynamics
Tracks 15 to 28
- Surface and Colloidal Phenomena
- Biocatalysis
- Material Sciences
- Enzymes and Biocatalysts
- Photocatalysis
- Nanochemistry
- Fluid dynamics & its Phenomena
- Catalysis for Renewable Sources
- Organometallics Chemistry
- Catalysis and Zeolites
- Catalysis in Industry
- Catalysis and Pyrolysis
- Physical Chemistry
- Catalysis in oil and gas
Tracks: 29 to 39
- Industrial Catalysis
- Quantum Chemistry
- Chemical reaction engineering
- Photochemistry, Photobiology, and Electrochemistry
- Electro-catalysis
- Autocatalysis
- Biochemical Engineering
- Molecular Catalysis
- Computational Catalysis
- Organometallics, Organo-catalysis and Bioinorganic Chemistry
- Petrochemical Engineering
Chemical Catalyst 2024
Conference Guidelines
- Registration and Check-in: Please ensure that you have completed the registration process prior to the conference. On the day of the event, arrive at the designated check-in area to collect your conference materials, including badges, program schedules, and any other relevant documentation.
- Adherence to Schedule: The conference will adhere strictly to the published schedule. It is essential to be punctual and attend sessions promptly as per the agenda. Plan your time accordingly to make the most out of the conference experience.
- Questions and Engagement: After each presentation, there will be opportunities to ask questions and engage in discussions. Kindly wait for your turn to speak, and keep your questions concise and relevant to the topic being presented. Show respect for different viewpoints and encourage constructive dialogue.
- Mobile Devices and Electronics: During sessions, please ensure that your mobile devices are set to silent mode or turned off to minimize disruptions. Refrain from using electronic devices for personal activities that may distract you or others from the conference proceedings.
- Follow Health and Safety Guidelines: Comply with any health and safety guidelines set forth by the conference organizers or venue. This may include adhering to social distancing measures, wearing masks when necessary, and practicing good hygiene by frequently washing hands or using hand sanitizers provided.
- Respect Venue Policies: Respect the policies and regulations of the conference venue. Ensure that you follow any rules regarding food and beverage consumption, smoking areas, and general conduct within the premises.
- Feedback and Evaluation: Your feedback is valuable in helping us improve future conferences. Please take the time to complete any post-conference evaluation forms or surveys to provide your input and suggestions.
Poster Guidelines:
- The abstract submission deadline for poster competition will be closed one month before the conference date. All are requested to submit their abstracts well in advance.
- The abstract should include complete details of the Participant. You can download the abstract template from our conference website
- Abstracts for Poster presentations have to be submitted through online or by email.
- Present numerical data in the form of graphs, rather than tables. If data must be presented in table-form, Keep it Simple.
- Visuals should be lucid and bold.
- Avoid extensive mathematical notations.
- Posters with 750 words or less are perfect. Avoid submitting compactly packed posters.
- Organize your poster into subdivisions, e.g., Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, and Literature Cited
- Avoid using many citations
- Use bright colours to enhance the details of your Poster
- Text should be readable from four to five feet distance.
- Besides your project, the text could also include roadmap for future research plans.
- Each poster should be approximately 1×1 M long.
- The title, contents and the author’s information should be perfectly visible from a distance of 1-2 feet
Join us in Berlin, Germany
How to submit an Abstract?
Send us your abstracts as per the sample template in Abstract Submission page or you can directly email to conference Program Manager.
Where do I go to submit an abstract?
You may submit proposals online via our Abstract Submission Portal or you can directly email to conference Program Manager.
When will I have to proceed for registration?
After submission of Abstract you will get an acknowledgement from our Program Manager. You can proceed to complete your registration after the acknowledgement.
May I submit more than one proposal?
Yes. You may submit more than one proposal and participate in more than one session either in oral or poster session. However, you may not present more than two papers during the conference.
Do you have any template for paper submission?
Yes, we have a template for abstract submission. Please download from this link here
Can I still participate without Submitting the Abstract?
Yes, you can participate as a Delegate for the conference without submitting any paper.
How much time will be given for an oral presenter?
Each Oral Presenter will have 20-25 minutes for presentation including Q/A session
What language should I speak during presentation?
The working language of the conference is English.
Do I get a translator during my presentation?
Translators will not be available during presentations. If you wish you can get your own translator